Monday, November 8, 2010

Do You Have Character?

"You can easily judge the character of a MAN by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
- James D. Miles -

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nothing New about the New Millennium

The above clip is part of the closing scene from the 1998 movie, Belly.  In this scene the Minister is speaking about some of the problems facing the Black community as we headed into the new millennium.  Sadly, ten years into the new millennium we are still facing these same problems.  The issues of drugs, alcohol, sex, and violence among others are prevalent within the community.  One of the most rampant problems within the Black community is lack of knowledge of self. 

If knowledge is power, then at times we can seem like a powerless Race.  It is said that you can't know where you're going until you know where you have been.  Many in the younger generation have no sense of their culture or history.  All they know is the rights and privileges that the have today.  They have no idea or desire to learn of the struggles of their ancestors that got us all to this point.  Blacks are been singled out are a race that is regressing.  If you don't know your history, you're doomed to repeat it.  

"We all play a grave role in our own destruction."  Often we are quick to point the finger at others of our misfortunes.  The role we played in our transgressions are often ignored.  No one likes to point the finger at self.  When you point a finger at someone else, there are at least three pointing back at you.  We must stop always blaming others and take accountability for our own actions.  Change starts with self.

Where have all of our Influential Black Leaders gone?  Where are the Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., or Huey Newton's of today?  People willing to take a stand for the betterment of a Race of People.  One of the biggest problems I see is that when someone does try to step up, no one is willing to stand with them.  The problems within the Black Community can not be solved by the actions of one person!  I know many will say, what about President Obama?  President Obama represents a nation, not just a race.

Although Belly has a "typical storyline" and not the greatest acting it is one of my favorite movies.  It has it's moments where knowledge can be heard if you are listening.  These are just some random thoughts of mine provoked by the above clip.  I love my People, but when will we as a People WAKE UP!

My People, Keep Striving.........Choose Life 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood

As the summer progresses, I have seen several things that disturb me.  I know every individual has their own way of thinking and rationalizing a situation, but lately I have had to question the mentality of others.  I just don't understand the following:

Why would you come out of your house to sit in your car that is parked in front of your house to listen to your music?  Do you not have radio within the confines of your dwelling?  What makes you think that I want to listen to your music with you?

If you have decided to take the time to clean your car that is again parked in front of your house, why would you throw the trash from your car into the street?  You obviously value the cleanliness of your car more than that of your street.  Who does that?

Can you please pick up the trash in your yard?  How can someone sit on their porch and instead of taking the empty bag of chips in the house and throwing it away just throw it in their yard?  Your yard is not a waste receptacle. And, why is it that when you FINALLY decided to pick up the trash, you rake it into a pile and then let it sit in the yard for another few days?

If it's 5:30am and you are coming to pick someone up, hopefully for work, why do you feel the need to blow your horn repeatedly? Did they not know you were coming and that they needed to be awaiting your arrival?  Is it because you are up, you feel a need to wake everyone else in the neighborhood? 

Why at 11:00pm is there a child that appears to be about the age of eight walking down the street alone? Where is their parent or guardian?  What need is it for them to be out that late?  Do children no longer have bedtimes? 

If you walk out into your yard and you can feel the grass not only beneath your feet, but on your ankles also, do you not think it's time to cut your grass?  Do you not notice everyone else out on the weekend cutting their lawn?  If your lawnmower is broken, you can borrow mine!

I have tried repeatedly to understand why some people do the things that they do, but I can't.  I can not wrap my mind around the rationale.  If you don't take care of your own, how can you expect other to take care of it or give you more?  Has the sense of pride in community and oneself completely disappeared? 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Back On My BLOG .......

It's been over four months since I posted an entry to my blog.  That is far from the weekly goal that I expressed in my initial entry.  I have had several ideas and topics in my mind, but not using my resource to get them out.  Over the last four months, I have heard problems, issues, and concerns from others that have jumbled with my own thoughts in my head.  I was not on top of my "A Game" so they all set there dormant.  People have been asking me when I am going to be posting something new, I would always say soon I have an idea about this or that.  Time would pass and that idea would stay in my head or on a notepad in my office.  A couple of nights ago a long time friend in Maryland called and as a change of pace for me, they listened to me vent and gave me some  insightful feedback.  It felt good to release some of these thoughts and feelings that have been trapped inside my mind.  Instead of me inspiring someone else, I was being inspired.  It was the beginning of a process that I anticipate great things from.  I am ready to return to the blog and share my thoughts.  To those that currently follow my blog and those hopefully to join in,  Welcome BACK to My Mindset.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some Things Will Never CHANGE

Even with CHANGE, somethings stay the same.  MSNBC correspondent, Chris Mathews said of President Obama that, "I forgot he was Black for an hour." It just shows that even if you achieve the highest office in the United States  some still judge you by your race.  Were Chris Mathews expectations less because the President is Black?  In my opinion this is another example of modern day racism.  No one has every commented that they forgot previous Presidents were white, so why the need to put attention on the fact that Obama is Black.  Is a Black man not suppose to be able to stand in front of a predominately white audience and properly articulate his point?  Chris Mathews statement translates to: For a Black man he is so well spoken.  It is a disgrace that instances like this still take place in today's society. 

I will place one positive spin on this statement.  Many Blacks thought that since President Obama would be in office, things would be easier for Blacks.  The commentary by Mathews shows that even as a Black President, you are still held to a lower standard.  So if the President is held at a lower standard, how is the "average Black" viewed?  Hopefully this situation will help those Blacks that were disillusioned that things would be easier realize that things are just as hard, if not harder now that will have a Black President.  The time is now to hold yourself at a higher standard and motivate yourself to do more than you were before. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

Double Standards

Do we hold others at a higher standard than we hold ourselves? A double standard is defined as: any code or set of principles containing different provisions for one group of people than for another.  I realize that there will always be double standards in life, but one that I have a hard time comprehending is females playfully calling each other bitches.  On any level, unless you are referring to a female dog, the term is degrading.  In my opinion, it closely ranks with using the word nigga as a term of endearment.  From my previous post, I am sure you have determined my stance on that topic. When I posed the question of why do females call each other bitch to a female friend of mine that does it, her reply was, "because that's my girl and we cool like that." What exactly is cool like that?  I asked my friend if we were cool and she said yes. So, I followed that with can I call you bitch since we are cool.  I was answered with an astounding NO!  I asked her to explain the difference and her reply was, it just is.  The double standard.  I can't understand why you will use a term with those you call your friend and think nothing of it, but when a male or someone outside your circle uses the same term in reference to you, you're ready to fight.  If you are outraged when one group does something, you should be outraged by all. How can you expect others to respect you, if you disrespect yourself?  Women should speak things into existence that uplift each other instead of bringing each other down.  Above all, you should conduct yourself as a Lady at all times.   

Friday, February 5, 2010

The MISEDUCATION of a Generation

It has been said that Knowledge is Power.  If that is the case, then Lack of Knowledge of Self is Destructive.  The dictionary defines the word nigger as: a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc. or a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised. Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary states, the word nigger ranks as the most offensive and inflammatory word in the English language.  Even with the definition the word nigger possesses, many members of today's generation use it as if it was a term of endearment. 

The word nigger has become so accepted in today's society that it is used freely on television, radio, and many other media sources.  America has seemingly become desensitized to the history behind the word nigger.  I have heard Blacks make statements such as: we are taking back the word or that by changing the word to nigga you are changing the meaning, I disagree with these statements.  You cannot take back a word that is not yours and no matter how you change the word, the root word remains the same.

If you do not know your history, it is said that you are doomed to repeat it.  Many of today's youth do not seek out their history and heritage.  In my opinion, being aware of your history and the hatred behind the word nigger aimed at your race, would make it difficult to use the word in reference to one another.  Most do not think of their ancestors that were lynched, raped, and killed as they were being taunted with the word nigger.  They don't think about the generations before them that risked their lives to flee from the South so they would not be called a nigger any more.  I feel our ancestor's sacrifices are insulted every time Blacks refer to each other as a nigger. 

It was barely forty years ago that the Black race was involved in the Black Power Movement.  During this period of time we would stand next to each other to fight and die if needed for equal rights and treatment.  If another Black person called you a nigger at that time, they meant it in the true sense of the word.  Now, some Blacks use the word to greet one another.  When, where and why did we become so disconnected?

Like I said in my initial blog entry, my intent is not to try to change one's mind or force my opinion on someone.  It is only meant to share my views and recieve the viewpoints of others.  The use of the word nigger has been a long standing controversy and I am sure the debate will outlive me.  I just ask that for those who use the word nigger to think of their ancestor's sacrifice and not disrespect their legacy. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcome to my Mindset

First of all, let me start off by introducing myself.  As I am sure you have already  been able to determine, I am Mr. Martin and I want to officailly welcome you to my Mindset.  For me, the purpose of this blog is to share my thoughts, opinions, and ideas with the rest of the world. My post are not meant to change anyone's view on a particular topic, they are just meant to give you mine.  I understand people may not agree with me and I welcome the difference in opinion.  My goal starting off is the have a different post on a weekly basis and eventually work my way  up to a daily posting.  If you like what I have to day, please comment.  If you disagree with what I have to say, I definiely want you to comment.  If there is a topic that you have an opinion on and would like my thoughts on the topic, please share the topic.  Again, I look forward to sharing my opinions and reading those of others.  Thus, the World of Mr. Martin's Mindset Begins.....